“The Kitchen Chair” - acrylic on salvaged wood, found objects (watch faceplate). Framed. Gloss finish. 4”w x 8”t.
My mom raised 4 of us pretty much on her own. i’m the youngest. it was the 70’s, 80’s and we were typical free range, rambunctious kids. When we needed a “Timeout”, she’s have us sit at the kitchen table and remain quiet (no talking, horseplay) for 10-15 min. We had a kitchen clock and she would tell us “When the hand gets to 20 after (or whatever 15 min would be), you can get up. But not a second sooner. It never failed, we’d say “It’s time.” and it would be a minute before she said on the hand, so we’d get 5 more penalty minutes. Love you Mom!!!